Research & results

INBOVEG (English)

INBOVEG (English)

INBOVEG is both a software package for importing and managing vegetation surveys, and the 'Flemish database of vegetation plots’. This database is included in the international "Global Index of Vegetation-plot databases" (GIVID). Since 2015, INBOVEG is also part of the "European Vegetation Archive" (EVA).

After registration anyone can enter and manage his own data as well as export open data. A comprehensive manual (for the time being only in Dutch) is available.


You can try out INBOVEG without registering as guest.

With INBOVEG, INBO aims to collect and centrally store as many vegetation data as possible. These are now often scattered among different databases and applications. This allows more users to access these data through a web application that allows both input and consultation.

Classic vegetation recordings can be entered individually or grouped via a gradient or time series. Recordings can also be collected according to the BIOHAB methodology or data on the local conservation status (LSVI). For this reason special recording types are provided in INBOVEG. Additionally, the application can be used in the field (if sufficiently network coverage).

Since 2015 a system has been integrated to make data (temporarily) inaccessible. The owner of these data can restrict access to third parties. Third parties can only use non-open data by permission of the owner.

INBOVEG has various account types. Depending on the target a specific account is assigned. More information can be found below:

  • Guest
    A Guest doesn't need an account or to register . The role of Guest is to give visitors the chance to discover INBOVEG and to consider if it is worthwhile applying for an account. A Guest can view recordings (limited selection ) and view and export standardized lists.
  • Accountholder
    An Account holder can view and export recordings . An Account Holder can see Surveys, Resources and Analysis Sets and edit Work Sets.
  • Recorder
    A Recorder can import and modify or delete own recordings (Creator). A Recorder can add or remove recordings in Analysis Sets.
  • Researcher
    A Researcher can create Analysis Sets and modify or delete his own Analysis sets (as Creator).
  • Survey Manager
    A Survey manager can create Surveys and modify and delete his own Surveys (as Creator).
  • Administrator (only INBO)
    The administrator can perform actions that only the Creator can (eg. Erase recordings).

For more information or to request an account, send an e-mail to Sophie Vermeersch. For data in a European context, please contact EVA.