About us


Through its scientific research, INBO supports all agencies dealing with open space in the Flemish government, as well as in organisations involved in nature conservation, forestry, agriculture, hunting and fishery. INBO publishes its results as open data and provides data for international reporting. It participates in (inter)national research networks such as LTER, ALTER-Net, LifeWatch, …

INBO is an unincorporated internal agency of the Flemish government.

The Own Capital of the INBO (“Eigen Vermogen van het INBO, EV INBO”) is a separate corporation executing externally financed projects. EV INBO’s aim is to supplement the core INBO research where its government-supplied financial means are insufficient for deploying a complete and future-oriented research programme. It offers the possibility to tackle new research themes with immediate or mid-term policy relevance. Policy relevance is an essential criterion for both EV INBO and INBO research topics.

INBO employs some 220 staff, the EV INBO some 50.


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