10th symposium of the Belgian Wildlife Disease Society: Triggers of Zoonotic Pathogen Emergence - Programme
We invite you to the 10th symposium of the Belgian Wildlife Disease Society. Its theme is Triggers of Zoonotic Pathogen Emergence.
The Symposium will take place on the 18 October 2024 in Hof van Liere, Stadscampus UA, Prinsstraat 13, Antwerpen
Preliminary Programme
09.00 -9.30 Registration and coffee
Moderators: Tim Adriaens (INBO) & Sophie Gryseels (UA)
09.30-09.40: Welcome (H. Leirs (UA) & S. Roels (BWDS))
09.40-10.15 Keynote: Exotic emerging viruses (F. Drexler, Charité, GE)
Session 1: Projects
10.15-10.35 BioRodDis (H. Leirs, UA, B)
10.35-10.55 BIODIV-AFREID (J. Mariën, ITG, B)
10.55-11.15 Prezode (Z. Noga, Prezode, INT)
11.15 - 11.45 Coffee break + posters
Session 2: The role of vectors
11.45-12.10 Vector-borne zoonoses (A. Lavazza, IZSLER, I)
12.10-12.35 Infection trials of mosquito's (A. Vanslembrouck, ITG, B)
12.35 - 13.35 Lunch + posters
Session 3: Mutating viruses and pandemics
13.35-14.00 Avian Influenza in new mammal/bird species (M. Steensels, Sciensano, B)
14.00-14.25 The bat reservoir (P. Maes, REGA, B)
Session 4 : Poster presentations
14:25-14:45 Selected Pitch presentations
14.45-15.15 Coffee break + posters
Session 5: Coming up next?
15.15-15.40 Borna viruses (V. Haring, FLI, GE)
15.40-16.05 EHD ao vector-borne risks in Belgium (C. Sohier & I. De Leeuw, Sciensano, B)
16.05-16.30: Final remarks & poster price
16.30-17.30: Reception
We invite you to submit poster/pitch communications on the subject “wildlife diseases” in its broadest sense.
>> Registration (max. 150): regular €60, students €30 (including lunch)
Your registration is valid only after online payment of the registration fee.