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Fostering Mission-Oriented Innovation and AI for Sustainable Cities and Communities -

 Advancing Collaboration and Synergistic progress towards the 2030 agenda 

Eindproef Master of Management: strategy and innovation management

Stanley Gavino & Seyed Ebrahim Sobhani​​​​ (UHasselt)


The rise in global urban populations poses numerous challenges for cities as they aim to meet evolving citizen needs while pursuing sustainable development goals. Artificial intelligence (AI) adoption in smart cities is seen as a potential solution due to its capacity to optimize urban services, reduce resource consumption, enhance public safety, and improve residents’ quality of life. AI can analyze vast data from sensors, cameras, and digital platforms to enhance urban services, transportation systems, energy efficiency, and support sustainable urban planning. Critical challenges highlighted in the study include financial constraints, lack of AI expertise, and ethical concerns. Overcoming these challenges requires exploring alternative funding models, building trust in AI technologies through effective communication, providing comprehensive AI education to citizens, and fostering collaboration among public and private sectors. Policymakers should consider cohesive policy recommendations to achieve Sustainable Development Goals in smart cities.

Hoe draagt deze masterproef bij aan duurzaamheid?

“Sustainability is no longer a trend but a global imperative,” our dissertation argues, emphasizing the urgency of fostering innovation and leveraging AI for sustainable cities amidst climate change and social inequity. By embracing a holistic approach, it addresses economic, social, and technological aspects of sustainability, aligning with the UN’s 2030 Agenda. Mission-oriented innovation is a key focus, directing efforts towards specific goals to build sustainable urban environments. Our study aims to impact society by advancing SDGs, enhancing quality of life, promoting economic growth, and ensuring social equity. It stands out for its creative approach, leveraging AI to optimize urban services and address complex sustainability challenges. Emphasizing collaboration and ethical considerations, our research offers a fresh perspective on addressing sustainability issues responsibly and innovatively.