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Design guide for reuse and storage process

Eindproef  Master Architectural engineering

Léna Jenart (VUB)


The construction industry faces a heightened demand for raw materials due to urbanization and population growth, prompting environmental concerns. This thesis advocates for a circular strategy in construction, emphasizing material reuse to mitigate resource depletion’s environmental impact. Despite its benefits, material reuse is hindered by logistical challenges. The thesis scrutinizes the deconstruction process and storage complexities, crucial for promoting material reuse. Eight case studies, encompassing diverse building types, were analyzed with industry stakeholders’ input. Insights from these studies led to a holistic understanding and a design guide for material reuse. Critical stages like pre-deconstruction planning were identified, highlighting the importance of storage strategies. Ultimately, the thesis aims to propel sustainable practices in construction by advocating for widespread material repurposing, aligning with sustainability goals.

Hoe draagt deze masterproef bij aan duurzaamheid?

This thesis includes an innovative approach for addressing the environmental challenges posed by rapid urbanization and increased demand for raw materials in the construction industry. It advocates for a circular strategy emphasizing material reuse to mitigate resource depletion’s adverse effects. Through meticulous analysis of the deconstruction process and storage complexities, the thesis offers practical insights into promoting material reuse within construction projects. By engaging industry stakeholders and synthesizing their perspectives with case study findings, it provides a comprehensive understanding of material reuse’s practical aspects. The development of a design guide for the reuse and storage process further enhances its applicability in the construction sector. Moreover, the identification of critical stages in the material reuse process underscores the thesis’s significance in promoting sustainable construction practices. Overall, this research offers pragmatic direction for advancing sustainable procedures and encourages the widespread implementation of repurposed materials, aligning effectively with sustainability goals.