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Collaborative Agrobiodiversity Governance...

 … A Social Network Analysis of the Native Potato Guardians of Paucartambo-Cuzco. 

Eindproef International Master of Science in Rural Development

Maria Jose Cordero Fernandez (Universiteit Gent)


Andean highlands, a hub of agrobiodiversity, sustains a variety of potatoes and tubers through small-scale farming. Farmer-led governance in this region enhances food security, preserves biocultural heritage, and supports traditional livelihoods. Social dynamics, including seed and knowledge exchange, play a crucial role in maintaining agrobiodiversity. A study in Paucartambo – Cuzco reveals adaptations in social networks amid environmental pressures. The emergence of AGUAPAN, a formal organization, showcases a bottom-up approach to collaborative agrobiodiversity governance. To ensure sustainability, the study emphasizes the need to strengthen organizational capacities and leadership in local networks facing socio-environmental changes.

Hoe draagt deze masterproef bij aan duurzaamheid?

his master’s thesis on Agrobiodiversity Governance in Cuzco, Peru, is a systemic analysis and provides practical sustainability guidelines. Focused on farmer motivations, social interactions, and environmental limits, the research addresses the transformation of native potato production in the Andean ecosystem.

Using a mixed-method approach, the study explores adaptive strategies amidst changing networks. Contrasting aspects, like potential market integration, are considered within a systemic framework, acknowledging multiple paths. Power dynamics, especially among social media actors, and geographical influences in the Andean region add depth to the research.

The impact lies in fostering community reflection, challenging top-down approaches, and contributing to sustainability debates. The study’s innovative aspect is the integration of collaborative governance and social network analysis, enhancing stakeholder engagement. Enriched by the experiences of an international student from Nicaragua, the research emphasizes contextualized solutions for sustainability, making it a strong candidate for the Future Proef Award.