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How to submit individual application to NARIC-Vlaanderen if you do not have a Belgian eID or if you live abroad

First, check carefully whether you can apply for recognition! To do so, answer the questions in the NARIC-Vlaanderen application wizard(opens in new window).

Your address is in Belgium

Do you have a Belgian eID or electronic foreigner’s card or a Belgian bank card (not Visa or Mastercard)?

Examples of identity documents Belgian eID and electronic foreigner’s card. (in Dutch)(opens in new window)

Your address is not in Belgium

How to submit an application to NARIC-Vlaanderen if you have an address abroad?

Proof of employment

If you live abroad, you can only apply if you can prove that you have solid prospects of employment in Flanders or Brussels. You must demonstrate this with proof that you can work in Flanders or Brussels.