ready. You are currently on: First and additional application for the license of temporary employment agencies

First and additional application for the license of temporary employment agencies

Do you want to employ temporary workers in Flanders via your temporary employment agency? Then first you need to apply for a license. Even if the registered office of your agency is not in Flanders, you still need a license

What if your temporary employment agency already has a license, but you would like to carry out temporary employment activities in other sectors? Then you must apply for a license again.

Application procedure

  • Stap 1

    Deposit 25,000 euros if it is your first application

    Would you like to apply for an additional license? Then you can skip this step.

    Is this your first application for a license? Deposit € 25,000 euros into the account of the Social Fund for Temporary Workers.

    The 25,000 euros is 1/3 of the total surety of 75,000 euros. Once that amount has been deposited, you will receive a certificate which you must add to the online application (see below). The rest of the surety should be paid within 30 days following the license date.

    Contact the Social Fund:
    Social Fund for Temporary Workers
    Tour & Taxis Site
    Havenlaan 86c box 302
    1000 Brussels
    Tel. 02 203 60 95
    e-mail: in your email application)
    website: (in Dutch)(opens in new window)

    What if your temporary employment agency does not have a registered office in Belgium and you have paid a financial surety of an equivalent amount (75,000 euros) in your home country? In that case you do not, in principle, have to pay another financial surety. You must, however, prove to the Social Fund that you have paid an equivalent surety abroad. If the Social Fund accepts the surety, you will receive a certificate confirming the recognition of equivalence. This certificate you must add to the online application (see below).

  • Stap 2

    Collect necessary attestations, documents and information

    Collect the necessary attestations, documents and information in advance, you will need them to complete the online application form. Explanations about those certificates and documents and help in filling out the application form can be found on this page.

  • Stap 3

    Fill out the application form completely:


The further procedure


Following the written confirmation of your application, the Service Vouchers and Temporary Employment Service of the Department of Work and Social Economy will check whether your application is complete.

  • If your file is complete, it will be sent to the Advisory Committee for Temporary Employment Activities within 30 days.
  • If your file is not complete or unclear, the service will ask you for the missing information or the necessary clarification. If you do not provide this information within 3 months, your request will be dismissed.


The Advisory Committee for Temporary Employment Activities gives a recommendation on the application for a license. It invites the representatives of your office to a hearing for this purpose.

Who sits on the advisory committee?

The Advisory Committee for Temporary Employment Activities consists of

  • a chair
  • an equal number of representatives from the employer and the employee organisations. Only they are entitled to vote.
  • 1 independent expert
  • 2 civil servants

The Commission issues its recommendation within 70 days. This period may be extended by 30 days with the approval of the minister.

Contact the secretariat of the Advisory Committee if you need more information:


  • The Flemish Minister for Work decides on your application for a license.
  • The Department informs you and the Advisory Committee about the decision. You will be told
    • for which type(s) of temporary work you will receive a license;
    • the duration of your license.
  • If your agency is recognised, the first license will appear in the Belgian Official Gazette.

Paying the surety for a first license

Payment of second instalment
Did you obtain your license? If so, deposit 50,000 euros into the account of the Social Fund for Temporary Workers within 30 days.

Reimbursement of first instalment
What if you didn't obtain your license? Then you can ask the Social Fund to refund the surety of 25,000 euros.

Revoking the license

If you do not comply with the legal obligations, an existing license may be revoked or replaced by a license with a fixed term. A hearing will also be organised for this purpose.