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Validation programme for a professional qualification in fast food employee

What the profession involves

The fast food employee prepares or assembles simple hot and cold dishes.

The fast food employee

  • is responsible for sales, handling payments, reception, serving the guest or delivering the products.
  • offers fast, accurate and high-quality service.
  • performs routine operations in which instructions, technical sheets, and service and time schedules are strictly adhered to within a hierarchical team.
  • packages, labels and stores products.
  • prepares the room, buffet or counter.
  • clears away and cleans equipment and areas.

The fast food employee is employed in both the public area and the kitchen of catering establishments. All the work is done in accordance with hygiene and food safety rules. Practising the professionrequires the necessary flexibility, including varying working hours, peak times, etc.

Validation programme information

You can find detailed info about the validation programme in the validation standard for fast food employees (in Dutch)(PDF file opens in new window) (In Dutch).

If you want to demonstrate your experience as a fast food employee at a validation body, you do so through a practical test and a written knowledge test with multiple-choice questions.

The language of instruction for the tests is Dutch. You therefore need at least a basic knowledge of Dutch.

You must:

  • prepare the kitchen and the hall
  • prepare a minimum of 4 simple hot and cold dishes
  • serve the food
  • receive and serve guests
  • clear up and clean the kitchen and hall
  • deal with a complaint from a guest
  • deal with a problem with preparing a dish.