In 2023, a total of 74,050 enterprises were established in the Flemish Region. That is 10% less than in 2022. Since 2009, the number of incorporations (open definition) has increased almost every year. The largest increase occurred in the years 2014 and 2016. There was only a slight decrease in the years 2012-2013 and 2015. There was also a decline in 2023.
In 2023, there were 26,443 enterprises incorporated in the Walloon Region and 11,454 in the Brussels-Capital Region. The number of incorporations in the Flemish Region (74,050) was therefore almost twice as high as the number of incorporations in the other regions combined.
In 2023, the survival rate (open definition) of enterprises after 5 years in the Flemish Region was 64.2%. This means that slightly more than 64 of the 100 enterprises founded 5 years earlier were still active in 2023.
The survival rate remained virtually stable throughout the period 2013-2021 with 65% as a minimum (in 2014 and 2018) and 68% (in 2021) as a maximum. In 2022, the survival rate fell again to one of its lowest levels to reach its lowest level in the past 10 years in 2023.