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Introduction to data science

Session 1 – AI Unveiled (2 hours)

Artificial intelligence is one of, if not the most disruptive technology of the moment. Some even call it ‘the new electricity’. However, for many AI is still an abstract concept shrouded in a thick layer of fog. This session aims to lift the fog and show that AI is no longer science fiction but has become part of our daily lives.

It is therefore primarily an introduction to the world of AI (which goes beyond robots) and how it is changing the world around us.

The added value of AI is demonstrated and placed in context on the basis of examples from various social domains. It also considers where the limits of AI currently lie and which evolutions are taking place.

Session 2 – AI, a look under the hood. (2 hours)

The aim of this session is that as a participant you learn to detect AI opportunities (within your own context) and to assess whether or not AI is the appropriate technology to tackle a certain problem.

That is why the conceptual functioning of AI is explained on the basis of practical examples. In concrete terms, we look at how you can make powerful predictions based on data via machine learning. Meanwhile, commonly used terms and concepts from the world of AI and machine learning are clarified.

It also takes a closer look at what a typical machine learning project looks like and what the requirements are to make it a success.