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Recognition as a training centre for technicians recovering certain fluorinated greenhouse gas-based solvents from stationary equipment

A training centre is required to have a recognition in order to issue the certificate of competence for technicians recovering certain fluorinated greenhouse gas-based solvents from stationary equipment.


The training centre must be recognised to be allowed to organise the examination for technicians recovering certain fluorinated greenhouse gas-based solvents from stationary equipment.

To be recognised as a training centre, the training centre must fulfil:

  • general recognition conditions (opens in new window)that apply to all recognitions relating to the environment
    • in the 3 years that precede the application for the Flemish recognition certificate, the applicant has not been convicted of a criminal offence in a member state of the European Economic Area, for infringements of the environmental legislation concerning the use of the recognition.
    • in the 2 years that precede the application for the Flemish recognition certificate, no recognition with the same object was revoked due to infringement of the obligations associated with that recognition.
  • and the following special recognition conditions:
    • the training centre must
      • have effective procedures in place to organise the examination
      • organise a regulatory examination jury.

Validity period

Recognition as a training centre is granted for an indefinite period.


Request your recognition from the Flemish administration.

The competent authority will handle your request. This could involve a site visit. The leading official of the Energy and Climate Agency of Flanders reaches a decision within 90 days, starting from the day after the submission of the complete application file.


No fee is payable for the recognition application.


Flemish regulation on environmental recognitions (VLAREL).