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Summary of second interim report on the PFAS contamination

As commissioned by the Government of Flanders, PFAS commissioner Karl Vrancken presented a second interim report on the PFAS contamination in Flanders in March 2022, the result of the cooperation between and input from numerous experts, each working within their own competence and field of expertise.

The second interim report is accompanied by a summary and a personal conclusion after 9 months of activities, in which the commissioner presents a state of affairs and insights. It is based on his work with experts and meetings with various stakeholders in the period September 2021-March 2022. This document is the English translation of the summary.

  • Section 1 – The results of recent measurement campaigns and investigations are presented in section 1 of this second report. While known exposure routes are mapped out even better, we are also starting measurements indoors to know how house dust in seating, carpets, shoes, etc. can contribute to our exposure.
  • Section 2 – In section 2 of this report, we also provide a first step towards a policy framework that suggest more stringent limits to the emission of PFAS in various media.
  • Section 3 –In section 3, we look ahead to the desired approach of the PFAS issue in the medium term and in a European context.