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Obtaining a primary education certificate via the Primary Education Examination Board

You can obtain a primary education certificate from a primary school or via the Primary Education Examination Board.


The Primary Education Examination Board offers a solution to:

  • young people and adults who have not obtained a primary education certificate at school
  • children who have been following home education
  • children who have not attended an accredited school.

The examination takes place each year in June. The minimum age is 9, i.e. the age of 9 reached in the year in which the examination is taken. It is of no importance whether the age of 9 is reached before or after the examination.

Those wishing to obtain the primary education certificate must pass each of the following subject areas:

  • Dutch
  • French
  • Mathematics
  • Science and technology
  • People and society
  • Physical education
  • Creative and expressive education

The examination schools do not provide for any instruction. They use the attainment targets of the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training, and the curricula of their education network or education umbrella organisation as a basis for the content to be acquired for the examination.


The examination is organised annually by various schools.

Each spring, the Ministry of Education and Training publishes a call for the examination and the list of examination schools in the Belgian Official Gazette.

If you would like to receive more information about the content to be acquired for the examination and other practical arrangements, contact the examination school of your choice.


Both enrolment and participation in the examination are free of charge.