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Make a complaint or report about a problem to NARIC-Vlaanderen

Always contact the case handler first. If you are not satisfied with the service provided by NARIC-Vlaanderen, you can then report a problem or file a complaint online.

Are you dissatisfied with the decision of NARIC-Vlaanderen on your application for recognition of equivalence of your diploma? Read what you can do at: You do not agree with the decision of NARIC-Vlaanderen?

Complaint about NARIC-Vlaanderen?

Do you have a complaint about the service of NARIC-Vlaanderen? If so, please follow the roadmap below.

  • Stap 1

    Case handler

    In the first instance, contact your case handler to discuss the problem.

  • Stap 2

    Education and training hotline

    If you are not satisfied with step 1, you can complain about the service of NARIC-Vlaanderen (in Dutch)(opens in new window) online through the Education and Training Hotline (‘Meldpunt Onderwijs en Vorming’ in Dutch).

  • Stap 3

    Vlaamse Ombudsdienst

    If you are also not satisfied with the response from the complaints handler after step 2, you can contact the Flemish Ombuds Service (in Dutch) (‘Vlaamse Ombudsdienst’ in Dutch).

No complaint, but reporting a problem?

You don’t have an immediate complaint, but want to report something about the service of NARIC-Vlaanderen? You can report a problem through the Education and Training Hotline (in Dutch)(opens in new window).