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Joining the Flemish Social Protection

The Flemish Social Protection (Dutch: ‘Vlaamse Sociale Bescherming’) offers financial assistance to people requiring long-term care.

The Flemish Social Protection differs from the health insurance, which refunds medical costs and is provided by the health insurance funds. The Flemish Social Protection also has nothing to do with a hospitalization insurance or other additional insurances offered by the health insurance funds.
More information is available on the website of the Flemish Social Protection(opens in new window) (available in Dutch only).


The Flemish Social Protection is a compulsory insurance for everyone living in Flanders, starting from the year you turn 26.

  • Those who live in Flanders or are moving to Flanders, must join during the year they turn 26. Exceptions are possible.
  • Those who live in Brussels can join voluntarily. Exceptions are possible.
  • Those who live in Wallonia or those who live abroad are exempted from joining the Flemish Social Protection insurance. Exceptions are possible.

For more information about who is obliged to join and who is exempted, contact the Agency for Flemish Social Protection.


In order to become a member of the Flemish Social Protection insurance, you must join one of the 6 recognised care funds in Flanders. You have two options:

  1. The care fund of your health insurance fund (the one that provides your health insurance or an additional product):
    • Christelijke Mutualiteiten-Zorgkas Vlaanderen
    • Neutrale Zorgkas Vlaanderen
    • Zorgkas van de Socialistische Mutualiteiten
    • Zorgkas van de Liberale Ziekenfondsen
    • Zorgkas van de Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen
  2. The ‘Vlaamse Zorgkas’ (Flemish Care Insurance Scheme)

You can find all the contact information of these recognized care funds(opens in new window)

on the website of the Flemish Social Protection (only available in Dutch).

During the year you turn 26 or when you move to Flanders or Brussels, you will receive an invitation from the care fund of your health insurance fund to pay your contribution.

As soon as you have paid your first contribution, you automatically become a member of the Flemish Social Protection. From then onwards, you will receive an annual invitation to pay the membership contribution.

If you are obliged to join and you do not do so voluntarily, you automatically join the Flemish Care Insurance Scheme.

Please note!
In case you did not pay contributions for at least 2 times after receiving a registered letter, you will have to pay an administrative fine.


The annual member contribution is 62 Euros. If you are eligible for a higher health insurance compensation, you pay a reduced fee.


Cross-border workers and international organization’s employees only have to join in some cases.


Decree of 30 March 1999: concerning the organisation of the care insurance