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Inspection and maintenance of your heating system

Central heating (boiler) inspection and maintenance

You are required to have your central heating (boiler) checked regularly. Different obligations apply, depending on the age of the system. A heating system in perfect condition is economical, safe and environmentally friendly.

Maintenance of individual heaters

Maintenance of stoves, fireplaces, hot water heaters, electric heaters, etc.

  • Regular maintenance is recommended.
  • In accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions

Read more. (in Dutch)

Maintenance of chimneys

If you have central heating, chimney cleaning (in Dutch) is part of the mandatory maintenance of the central heating system.

Inspection, maintenance and decommissioning of a fuel oil tank

If you have a fuel oil tank that is used to heat a house, several obligations apply. There are different rules for underground than for above-ground tanks. The size of the tank also plays a role.

A fuel oil tank that is decommissioned must in any case be emptied but sometimes also removed (or filled), after cleaning or otherwise.