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Information for (prospective) professionals

A validation programme is the fastest way to a sustainable job in a competitive labour market that requires proven technical competences.

Ken Van Schaeybroeck

Expert logistics VDAB

How do you become a validation body?

Both adult education centres and other organisations can apply for recognition as a validation body.

What do the procedure and content of validation standards look like?

The validation standard provides guidelines to future validation bodies for the development of validation instruments.

What do the procedure and content of validation instruments look like?

The validation instrument is the concrete elaboration of the tests.

For practical questions (financing, administration, types of evidence, etc.), adult education centres can visit the website of the Education policy area (in Dutch)(opens in new window). More information about the additional teaching hours for adult education centres that are recognized as validation bodies can be found on the page about framework and operational resources (in Dutch)(opens in new window). If they are recognised as a validation body, they are included in the Register of vocational qualifications (in Dutch)(opens in new window), after certain registrations in the Davinci adult education database.

Other organisations can find this practical information on the website of the Work and Social Economy policy area (in Dutch). They are included in the Register for vocational qualification programmes (in Dutch)(opens in new window), after certain registrations with Work and Social Economy.

Background information

A lot of background information is also available about VAC, mainly about policy.