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Accreditation as a training institution (and examination body) for EPB reporters

Attending the basic training course to qualify as an EPB reporter is one of the four accreditation conditions to start as a reporter. Candidate reporters are required to attend the training course at a training institution accredited for this purpose by the Energy and Climate Agency of Flanders (VEKA). Upon completion of the training course, the candidate reporters are issued with a certificate. Within 12 months from the date of the certificate, the candidates are required to pass the examination, which is organised by an accredited examination body.


In order to be accredited by VEKA as a training institution that provides a training course to qualify as a reporter, the training institution is required to meet at least the following conditions.

  1. Have instructors who are tasked with providing the theoretical and practical training and who are knowledgeable about the teaching subject in question.
  2. Indicate how they will handle complaints and how the training pathway will be evaluated.
  3. Provide and organise a reporter training pathway.

The reporter training pathway, which is the subject of the application for accreditation, must meet the following conditions:

  1. As a minimum, the training pathway is to comprise the training components and aspects as detailed in Annex 1 of the Ministerial Order of 12 December 2018.
  2. The total duration of the training pathway (components 1 through 9) should be at least 95 hours, whereby the indicative duration per training component is established in Annex 1.
  3. On the one hand, the pathway is to include the theory required in Annex 1 and, on the other hand, exercises and examples in which the practical application of the theory in day-to-day building practice is addressed, with the training institution itself determining the method of teaching (theory, exercise, assignments) for the various components.


Training institutions may submit an application to be accredited to provide training to qualify as a reporter. A training institution may also undertake to organise examinations for reporters.

Step 1. The training institution develops a training pathway that complies with the Ministerial Order of 28 December 2018. Where the institution is also looking to organise examinations, these examinations must also comply with the conditions set out in the Ministerial Order.

Step 2. The training institution sends the ‘Erkenningsaanvraag als opleidingsinstelling (en exameninstelling)’ form by registered post, against receipt, to:

Vlaams Energie- en Klimaatagentschap
Erkenningsaanvraag Opleiding EPB
Graaf de Ferrarisgebouw - 7de verdieping
Koning Albert II-laan 20 bus 17
1000 Brussel

Step 3. The training institution submits the complete application file by e-mail to, with ‘Erkenningsaanvraag Opleiding EPB’ as its subject line, to enable the Energy and Climate Agency of Flanders to process the application.


  • Energy Decree: Article 10.1.4
  • Energy Order: Article 8.6.1
  • Ministerial Order of 28 December 2018: details the content of the training to qualify as a reporter