Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Information for foreign companies Van GeoSecure naar Toegangsbeheer Vlaanderen ACM-IDM

Information for foreign companies

Upgrade Security Platform

Soon, logging in via GeoSecure with a username/password will no longer be possible. GeoSecure served as the security platform of the Flemish Government, for the applications KLIP, GIPOD, GEOPUNT and other applications related to spatial data and infrastructure.

The new security platform for these services is the Access and User Management System Flanders also known as ACM-IDM. This security platform offers enhanced safety measures as it replaces traditional username/password logins with a more secure two-step authentication process. Starting March 2024, all users will be required to log in to KLIP, GIPOD, GEOPUNT, and similar applications via ACM-IDM.

Identification and Authentication

European citizens can use their own (notified) national identification and authentication means to access online services privided by Belgian authorities.

This authentication method is refered to as eIDAS authentication, with eIDAS standing for ‘Electronic Identification And Trust Services’ as per the European legislation ‘Regulation (EU) 910/2014’. The primary objective of this legislation is to facilitate cross-border digital transactions (interoperability) among citizens of the European Union, aiming to foster economic and social development among participating countries


Do you have a European electronic identification mean that is eIDAS certified? Please refer to the list of countries below, which continually expands to include additional electronic identification means eligible for login.

Individuals with French or British nationality will not be able to log in via eIDAS. You will be obliged to obtain a Belgian national idenfitication number physically in Belgium at one of our local registration offices. You may find more information on this topic, on this webpage of the Belgian Federal Government(opent in nieuw venster).

What do I need to log into eIDAS for the first time?

For initial eIDAS login, you will need your European electronic identification means(opent in nieuw venster), Belgian national identification number(opent in nieuw venster), email address, and telephone number. Subsequent logins to eIDAS will only require your European electronic identification means.

If you have not yet obtained a Belgian national identification number, you can obtain one as follows:

  • Stap 1

    You surf to an online application of the Flemish Government (e.g. KLIP(opent in nieuw venster)).

    Click on the tile ‘eIDAS’:

  • Stap 2

    You now get the page with flags of the EU member states. Click on the flag of the country of which you wish to use the eIDAS notified key.

  • Stap 3

    You can now log in with your own key according to the procedure you are familiar with, via the authentication provider of the country you selected.

  • Stap 4

    You now get de following page:

    Fill in all mandatory fields (marked with ‘*’) with your personal data.

    1. If you have and know your BE national number, please fill it in the top field of the form and click ‘Send’. If all the personal data that you filled in in the form match exactly with your personal data which is stored in a BE persons’ register, you can get access to the online service.
      You stop here and you now follow the procedure below in section “I have successfully logged into eIDAS. What do I have to do next?”
    2. If you do not know your BE national number, please click the check box ‘I do not know my Belgian identification number’ and click ‘Send’.
      In this case, you will not directly have access to the online service, but a procedure will be started to assign you a BE national number.

    You now get the message below. This warning alerts you that your request will be processed in a timely manner by an agent of the Federal Government.

  • Stap 5

    After verification of your personal data and when your registration has been approved, you will receive an email with your personal and unique BE national number.

    In case there is a problem with your personal data, you will be contacted to correct or complete the data you filled in, in the form.

    Remark: you might have to provide a copy of your personal identity documents.

    Once you have provided the necessary data, you will receive an email with your personal and unique BE national number.

    You now follow the procedure below in section ‘I have successfully logged into eIDAS. What do I have to do next?’

I have successfully logged into eIDAS. What do I have to do next?

Even though you are now able to log into eIDAS via your preferred European electronic identification mean, you might not yet be able to log into KLIP, GIPOD or GEOPUNT in the appropriate capacity.

If you represent a foreign company, you will have to get in touch with our Service Desk by phone +32 2 553 1700 or via our Contact form. Our support team will reach out to register you in the Identity Management System of the Flemish Government.

If you represent a Belgian company, you will have to get in touch with your local administrator or the legal representative of your organisation: they will require the Belgian national identification number you obtained, and will register you in the Identity Management System of the Flemish Government (Vlaams Gebruikersbeheer(opent in nieuw venster)). Once you have been registered in the Identity Management System of the Flemish Government, you will be able to log into KLIP, GIPOD or GEOPUNT via the tile “eIDAS” on behalf of this company (see steps 1 - 4).