Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: A strategic skills forecast in the construction industry

A strategic skills forecast in the construction industry

december 2021
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
To work towards a smaller carbon footprint, the Flemish government is focusing on increasing the renovation rate. The Flemish government agreement translates European ambitions into the context in Flanders. The policy pursued by the European Union in its European Green Deal emphasizes the importance of renovation projects. The housing policy in Flanders also encourages the renovation of homes to make them use less energy and emit less CO2. Additionally, attention is given to the renovation of non-residential buildings, such as school buildings, detention centers, and cultural centers, as well as the renovation of social housing.
December 2021
An De Coen, Kathy Goffin, Lise Nackaerts, Robbe Van Hoof