Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Agenda for the Future – Historical evolution of tides and morphology in the Scheldt Estuary: Subreport 3. Calibration and validation of historical hydrodynamic models
Agenda for the Future – Historical evolution of tides and morphology in the Scheldt Estuary: Subreport 3. Calibration and validation of historical hydrodynamic models
This study on historical evolution of tides and morphology in the Scheldt Estuary is part of the Agenda for the Future research program (AvdT studie: ‘historische evolutie getij en morfologie Schelde estuarium’). The general objective of this AvdT study is to improve insights on the interactions between changes in estuarine morphology and changes in estuarine tidal hydrodynamics. This subreport handles the calibration and validation of five historical models (i.e., for 1930, 1960, 1980, 2001 and 2013) that are constructed in TELEMAC-3D, making use of the available Scaldis model of the Scheldt Estuary and the Belgian coastal zone. The model mesh of this Scaldis model is adapted to include historical tidal branches and intertidal areas, as well as present and future flood control areas. The model calibration consists of simultaneous adjustments of the bottom friction coefficients in the five models to obtain the friction field with the best overall performance. The historical models are then used to compute tidal characteristics, with a special focus on characteristics that could not be obtained from historical water level measurements, such as flow velocities, tidal discharges, tidal prisms and tidal asymmetry. Ultimately, it is intended that the historical models are used to assess the hydrodynamic impact of specific morphological developments or geometrical changes, using scenario analyses.

Lees de publicatie
- Publicatiedatum
- Maart 2020
- Publicatietype
- Onderzoeksrapport
- Thema's
- Scheepvaart, waterwegen en zeewezen
- Auteur(s)
- J. Stark, T. Maximova, A. Dujardin, S. Smolders, W. Vandenbruwaene, F. Mostaert
- Reeks
- FHR reports 14_147_3