Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Practices of Recognition of acquired competences (EVC)/Recognition of acquired qualifications (EVK); diploma equality & acquisition of diplomas for (female) new migrants. Emphasis on each and every talent?

Practices of Recognition of acquired competences (EVC)/Recognition of acquired qualifications (EVK); diploma equality & acquisition of diplomas for (female) new migrants. Emphasis on each and every talent?

december 2007
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
This study, which is largely built up of desk research, concentrates on the organisational aspect of all that is involved in EVC/EVK for new migrants ('newcomers'), with additional attention for the gender element. It sets out to describe the existing Flemish EVC/EVK policy, while highlighting finished EVC/EVK pilot projects in the labour and educational sectors and the recognition of foreign diplomas. As a next step, it shows what a holistic EVC/EVK policy (in accordance with the recommendation of SERV, the Flanders Social and Economic Council, of 14 May 2008) for newcomers could look like, and how that could come about with a minimum of categorist initiatives.
December 2007
HIVA, CeMIS-Universiteit Antwerpen, Johan Geets, Johan Wets, Christiane Timmerman