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An examination of the flexibility demands towards the unemployed

augustus 2015
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
Up to now, in policy-oriented unemployment research, most attention has gone to studying the generosity of unemployment benefit systems and linking this generosity to macro-economic outcomes, like duration of the unemployment spell and the aggregate level of unemployment (e.g., OECD, 2006; Mortensen, 1977 & 1990). So far, much less attention has been paid to the obligations unemployed face to obtain these unemployment benefits (Kvist, 1998; Venn, 2012). Since the introduction of the social security system however, unemployed are required to meet certain demands in order to receive unemployment benefits (Grubb, 2001; Hasselpflug, 2005; Kvist, 1998; Venn, 2012). These demands include searching for jobs, attending interviews and accepting “suitable” job offers, i.e. job offers that may differ on certain aspects from previously held jobs or educational background, but which are deemed suitable by the public employment agency.
Augustus 2015
Toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt , Arbeidsmarkt
Steunpunt Werk en Sociale Economie, Sarah Vansteenkiste, Wim Herremans